Archive for May, 2014

Mindset Outperforms Placebo Effect!

oEvaOfCYou’ve likely heard of the placebo effect, an outcome that cannot be attributed to a specific treatment or therapy but rather is caused by a patient’s mindset alone. As it turns out, the force behind the placebo effect — namely our beliefs and perceptions — might be one of the more powerful health tools in our arsenal.


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Mindsets: Fixed VS Growth!

Dweck MindsetWe look at these mindsets in terms of our design challenges and the students we share them with. We want to help foster growth mindsets in students so they are more persistent in the face of challenges, and more resilient (and even welcoming) to failure. In particular we look at the way feedback can affect mindset.


Read The Pros And Cons By Following This Link…

8 Keys To Innovation Mindset!

1399500362-achieve-innovation-mindset-these-8-keysExcellent Article Concerning Innovation And The Mindset To Achieve It!

As the term Innovation Mindset would suggest, innovation is a state of mind, more than intrinsic talent. To enter the “Innovation Mindset,” consider the following…

Click Here For The 8 Keys!

101642839-cnbc-millionaire-survey-mezz.80x60American millionaires “have complicated views when it comes to the wealth gap and opportunity in America,” according to first-ever CNBC Millionaire Survey.


 Read The Rest Of The Article Here:

stock-photo-positive-attitude-concept-in-word-tag-cloud-on-white-background-101781295Each of us has the power to choose which path to follow as we go through life.